Maker current price is €0.00000.

Maker current price is €0.00000 with a marketcap of €0. Its price is 1.85% up in the last 24 hours.

  • maker
    Maker (MKR)
  • Live Price
  • 24h %
  • Market Cap
  • Volume
  • Available Supply
    925,124 MKR
  • Rank

Technical analysis, backgrounds and info on this crypto coin

Besides Maker (MKR) is the renowned cryptocurrency (measured by market capitalisation). This cryptocurrency has become more and more popular over years. Given the plans for the future, many insiders have high expectations of the Maker (MKR) price. Of course you can trade and/or invest in Maker (MKR) as well. On this page you'll find basic statistics and characteristics of Maker (MKR). Furthermore you'll find info regarding the Maker (MKR) price, basic technical analysis and a brief explanation of the story of Maker (MKR)

Current Maker (MKR) price

Please see below the Maker price chart as provided by our home broker.

Of course, you can start investing or trading directly bij opening an account with Bitvavo. In case you don't know how to open an account with Bitvavo, please download our manual here.

Onchain Metrics Maker (MKR)

If you want to perform a technical analysis of Maker and decide whether it is the right time to trade or invest, please check the on-chain metrics as provided by our partners of Into the Block.


These On-chain metrics are updated once a day (rondabout 11 pm est, which is 5 am Dutch time). If you want to check the latest update, please dive deeper into the On-chain metrics of our metrics partner

Furthermore, we provide you with the price chart and historical data for Maker (MKR) at the bottom of this page. Before we get there, we provide you with the upcoming agenda as well as some backgrounds and info on Maker.

The Maker agenda

In order to provide you with an accurate overview of coming Maker agenda items and events, you'll find our Maker agenda below.

If you are interested in the agenda items for other cryptocurrencies and/or the most important economic items on the macro-economic agenda, please visit our calendar page.

What is Maker?

MKR is a cryptocurrency depicted as a smart contract platform and works alongside the Dai coin and aims to act as a hedge currency that provides traders with a stable alternative to the majority of coins currently available on the market. Maker offers a transparent stablecoin system that is fully inspectable on the Ethereum blockchain. Founded almost three years ago, MakerDao is lead by Rune Christensen, its CEO and founder. Maker’s MKR coin is a recent entrant to the market and is not a well known project. However, after today it will be known by many more people after blowing up 40% and it is one of the coins to rise to prominence during the recent peaks and troughs.

Who created Maker?

Maker (MKR) was developed in 2015 to provide investors and borrowers a way to participate in the Maker ecosystem. The platform is headquartered in Denmark and the network was founded by a programmer named Rune Christensen.F

What is the purpose of Maker (MKR)?

MKR is an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain and can not be mined. It’s instead created/destroyed in response to DAI price fluctuations in order to keep it hovering around $1 USD. MKR is used to pay transaction fees on the Maker system, and it collateralizes the system. Holding MKR comes with voting rights within Maker’s continuous approval voting system. Bad governance devalues MKR tokens, so MKR holders are incentivized to vote for the good of the entire system. It’s a fully decentralized and democratic structure, then, which is an underutilized USP of blockchain tech.

Maker (MKR) nowadays

Value volatility is a relative concept among both cryptos and fiat currencies. The US dollar, for example, was worth 110.748 yen on July 9, 2018. On July 4, 2011, $1 was worth 80.64 yen, and on March 18, 1985, $1 was worth 255.65 yen. These are major differences in exchange rates, and inflation within each country makes each currency worth different values even when compared to themselves. One USD in 1913 is worth the equivalent of $25.41 today, and even $1 in 1993 is worth the equivalent of $1.74 today. Stablecoins don’t negate these basic economic principles of value. Instead, both Tether and Dai have values pegged to the U.S. dollar. This is done to stabilize the price.

The future of Maker (MKR)

Maker empowers developers, liquidity providers and traders to participate in a financial marketplace that is open and accessible to all. We are committed to open source software and building on the decentralized web

Further technical analysis of this coin

For further technical analysis you’ll find the current price chart and overview of historical data at the bottom of this page. Do you need more on-chain metrics? You can find these on the site of our on-chain metrix partner IntotheBlock

Do you want to trade in this crypto?

If you want to trade in this cryptocurrency you might consider to sign up with one of our home exchanges: Changelly, or Binance. When your mother tongue is Dutch or French you might also consider Bitvavo. If you want to know more about choosing the right crypto exchange, please visit our crypto exchages page.

Price chart

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Historical data

Date Price Volume MarketCap


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