USDC current price is 0.00000.

USDC current price is 0.00000 with a marketcap of 0. Its price is 0.02% up in the last 24 hours.

  • usd-coin
  • Live Price
  • 24h %
  • Market Cap
  • Volume
  • Available Supply
    33.50 B USDC
  • Rank

Technical analysis, backgrounds and info on this crypto coin

Besides USD Coin (USDC) is the major cryptocurrency (measured by market capitalisation). This cryptocurrency has become more and more popular over years. Given the plans for the future, many insiders have high expectations of the USD Coin (USDC) price. Of course you can trade and/or invest in USD Coin (USDC) as well. On this page you'll find basic statistics and characteristics of USD Coin (USDC). Furthermore you'll find info regarding the USD Coin (USDC) price, basic technical analysis and a brief explanation of the story of USD Coin (USDC)

Current USD Coin (USDC) price

Please see below the USD Coin price chart as provided by our home broker.

Of course, you can start investing or trading directly bij opening an account with Bitvavo. In case you don't know how to open an account with Bitvavo, please download our manual here.

Onchain Metrics USD Coin (USDC)

If you want to perform a technical analysis of USD Coin and decide whether it is the right time to trade or invest, please check the on-chain metrics as provided by our partners of Into the Block.


These On-chain metrics are updated once a day (rondabout 11 pm est, which is 5 am Dutch time). If you want to check the latest update, please dive deeper into the On-chain metrics of our metrics partner

Furthermore, we provide you with the price chart and historical data for USD Coin (USDC) at the bottom of this page. Before we get there, we provide you with the upcoming agenda as well as some backgrounds and info on USD Coin.

The USD Coin agenda

In order to provide you with an accurate overview of coming USD Coin agenda items and events, you'll find our USD Coin agenda below.

If you are interested in the agenda items for other cryptocurrencies and/or the most important economic items on the macro-economic agenda, please visit our calendar page.

What is USD Coin?

USDC is a fully collateralized US dollar stablecoin. USDC is the bridge between dollars and trading on cryptocurrency exchanges. The technology behind CENTRE makes it possible to exchange value between people, businesses and financial institutions just like email between mail services and texts between SMS providers. We believe by removing artificial economic borders, we can create a more inclusive global economy.

Who created USD Coin?

USD Coin (USDC) is a U.S. dollar-pegged stablecoin created by the Centre Consortium, which is a joint venture between Circle and Coinbase. It was launched by Circle on September 26, 2018.

What is the purpose of USD Coin (USDC)?

The first purpose of USD Coin is that it offers some stability to the otherwise volatile crypto space and offers liquidity to exchanges who can’t deal in dollars and with banks (for example to the sometimes controversial but leading exchange Bitfinex).

USD Coin (USDC) nowadays

According to CoinMarketCap, there were 641,840,125 USDC in circulation on March 20, making USD Coin the 19th largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization.[9] On the heels of the 2020 boom in DeFi transactions as well as the run-up of cryptocurrency values across the board, USDC issuance reached 6.7 billion on February 10, 2021 according to online data reporting service CoinGecko.

The future of USD Coin (USDC)

In 2020, USDC became the biggest stablecoin by total daily value locked (value of stablecoins in USD locked in as collateral per day) on DeFi platforms like Uniswap, according to data from Flipside Crypto and it wants more in future

Further technical analysis of this coin

For further technical analysis you’ll find the current price chart and overview of historical data at the bottom of this page. Do you need more on-chain metrics? You can find these on the site of our on-chain metrix partner IntotheBlock

Do you want to trade in this crypto?

If you want to trade in this cryptocurrency you might consider to sign up with one of our home exchanges: Changelly, or Binance. When your mother tongue is Dutch or French you might also consider Bitvavo. If you want to know more about choosing the right crypto exchange, please visit our crypto exchages page.

Price chart

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Historical data

Date Price Volume MarketCap


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